Hello my name is Maung Maung and I am from year 6 extension! This term we have been animating stuff we think our teachers should add into our school. The Item I chose to make was a bench and when you play my game you could see information of a bench. I made this project so you guys could be entertained and maybe learn more stuff about a bench. To start this game you click the green flag and to move the person you use the key arrows.
Maung Maung PM reader
PM Reader Challenge – Wild and Wooly
For this task you need to do some reading out loud.
You will record a video of yourself reading the first page of your PM Reader.
At the SAME TIME you will use the Voice Typing feature on this Google Doc.
This will give you an opportunity to hear how you read, and to see how accurate your pronunciation is.
Start your Voice Typing here: mum I called urgently from the back door Marco will be here in 10 minutes coming Jesse mum replied she made her way from the horse paddock through the long grass and weeds that we laughingly referred to as the back garden Didn’t matter how often we mode that yard the grass always sprang back looking more vigorous and glad to be alive than ever my heart was fluttering in my chest like a Frightened Rabbit Marco was my 14 year old cousin and for some reason he had decided to spend a school holidays with us I haven’t seen Marco for years he lived in an apartment in the City nura Cinema Complex a games arcade and a world-famous museum mom and I lived on a hobby farm in isolated valley far from town Closest neighbour Colin was a retired farmer his land now lay empty with the fences falling down I used to help Colin and sharing time serving the floor and branding wool fails but now his old shed was home to a dingling family of sparrows I checked my watch in five minutes Marco would leap off the bus walked through our front door and expect to be and to take that would be my job I wasn’t feeling confident so I made sure the Wi-Fi was on in case Marco wanted to connect to social media stay away as Mum made snacks in the kitchen I pasted the hallway how they just see Michael called from the front door he had a cool City haircut and was wearing trendy James I rushed over to meet him or come in I said I rubbed a sweaty hand through my choppy hair and smiled awkwardly he slouched inside dumped his bag and looked around with anticipation once we’d had a cool drink and tour of the house mom disappeared out the back leaving us on our own Marco food in the middle of the living room from a far away look and is great ice it’s a quiet here he said with a long sign
Attach the Google Drive link to your video here;
Once you have finished reading the text, answer these questions;
What is a hobby farm? A hobby farm is when you have a farm for fun.
Why did Jessie feel like Marco needed to be entertained? Because marco lived in the city with a lot of entertainment.
Why wasn’t the sheep afraid when Jessie and Marco peered into the cave entrance? Because the sheep maybe wanted to be sheared because of how much wool the sheep had.
How did the sheep survive so long in the rugged high-country conditions? Because it had water oxygen and since the path was overgrown the sheep could eat the grass.
Why was antiseptic spray used on the nicks on Stanley’s skin? So Stanley’s skin couldn’t get infected.
Why are world records important to news media? Because they wanted a new world record for clicks and more clicks is more money.
Maung Maung 200 word challenge
On December 5th, 1914. Me, Shackleton and the rest of my crew went on a expedition to Antarctica so our leader Shackleton could be the first person to go across Antarctica via south pole. We first got onto our boat named the Endurance and we set sail! When we were nearly at our destination named Vahsel bay the Endurance got stuck in packed ice so we first got off and set up a camp. We started to mine the packed ice off but every time we mine the ice and go to sleep then wake up there would be more ice. When the ice moved the Endurance would move with it but one of our crew members Dr Leonard Hussey played the banjo so we wouldn’t get our hopes down. We also played hockey and football when we were bored, but then one day we were just in our tents when we heard “The ship is sinking” we all ran out in a second just to see the Endurance sink. Me, Ernest, Worsley and 2 more men set sail on an open boat and we got to an island called Elephant island and we went to south georgia to seek for rescue.